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The Future of Marketing Automation - What to Expect ?

By Vinayak Kumar
Automation will soon transform the way most people work. Marketing automation can help your business maintain its competitive advantage !

In the past few decades, the rapid-pace advancements in robotics, artificial intelligence and machine learning have brought a surge in automated processes. This has trickled into the area of marketing, changing its landscape forever.

Automated processes are infinitely more efficient than those performed by humans. Automation has made everything more effortless in the marketing field and will continue to do so in the future.

GrowthJockey is here to tell you about what to expect in marketing automation.

What Can Marketing Automation Do for Your Business?

A flowchart depicting a marketing automation process

Marketing automation software manages routine and repetitive tasks in marketing. There is no need for human intervention. This saves tremendous amounts of time and also provides a variety of other advantages that will improve your company’s productivity.

1. Increased Lead Generation

A complex diagram illustrating a lead generation funnel

Studies reveal that marketing automation increases the number of leads by 80% for businesses. This is the result of the entire lead nurturing process being automated.

With marketing automation software, you can send automated, personalised emails, which always have a higher click-through rate. Moreover, sending follow-up emails is a lot easier. Therefore, you will see a substantial increase in sales.

2. Integrated Processes

A diagram illustrating a customer journey process

Marketing automation might be the solution if the different teams in your company are working on separate tracks and the disconnect is slowing down productivity.

When marketing automation is implemented effectively, everything is stored centrally. The availability of centralised data storage eliminates complicated procedures and facilitates smooth workflows and easy prioritisation.

You can bring the whole company together and break down silos. Most importantly, you can provide a unified customer experience. As a result, customer convenience increases. This, in turn, boosts customer retention and loyalty.

3. Increased Personalisation

A graphic representation on personalised content

Personalised content is one of the most important aspects of digital marketing as it makes your product stand out. In addition, personalised recommendations require close tracking of customers’ behaviour. This might not be easy to manage with manual processes.

However, marketing automation software can analyse customers’ behaviour across multiple touchpoints and understand their needs. Consequently, you can deliver the right content at the right time and win a more extensive customer base.

What’s On the Horizon?

Marketing automation has seen various developments in recent years, and 2023 is another year that will decide the future of marketing automation. Here are some of the marketing automation trends in 2023.

1. Omnichannel Marketing

A visual representation of omnichannel marketing to customer

With the rise of omnichannel marketing, brand promotion and consumer engagement proceed via various channels. A study found that 53% of brands promote and sell their products across multiple channels through automation tools.

This widespread popularity is due to the potential to expand the reach and, ultimately, increase sales. However, it comes with challenges. There is a possibility of a disconnect between the various channels, and creating a seamless consumer experience is difficult.

One of the expectations of automation is that it will enable companies to manage their content across all their channels automatically and efficiently. For instance, data collection and website tracking can be done across platforms, leading to more personalised content. Furthermore, a unified image of your brand is formed.

Creating various channels and integrating them seamlessly through automation may be complicated. That’s why you should turn to professional marketing automation services to help you out.

We at Growth Jockey, will analyse your business and provide you with the appropriate marketing automation for optimum results. As one of the pioneers of marketing automation in India, we will bring the best technology to your business.

2. Funnel-Optimised Content

A graphic representation of marketing funnel

Personalisation has always been a major strategy to get customers’ attention. In fact, a survey by OneSpot revealed that 74% of customers are frustrated by irrelevant content.

However, in 2023, personalisation needs to be stepped up. It would help if you customise every stage of sales funnel and address each customer’s pain points. Further, you need to engage with each of your customers directly to retain them.

This can prove overwhelming when done manually. However, automation tools allow easy monitoring of websites and the time each potential customer spends on them.

Moreover, chatbots can be used to collect information during the conversation, which, in turn, can be used to send sales and discount notifications. Chatbots also help get information about the product to the customers.

So, it is predicted, in the future, the role of marketing automation in personalisation will become increasingly significant.

3. Conversational Marketing

A diagram depicting brand consumer conversational marketing.

Automated responses are in danger of sounding too robotic for the customers’ comfort. That is why conversational marketing has a solid future in automation. It can help you display more human-like characteristics in interactions with customers.

You can provide 24/7 customer support, addressing multiple queries simultaneously. Additionally, you can customise recommendations based on the interactions. Most importantly, you can make customers feel like they are interacting with a human.

Technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) analyse human speech and imitate it in conversations. Therefore, your messages to customers sound more inviting and authentic, in contrast to cold, stiff messages.

4. Informed Decision Making

A colorful circle with the words "informed decision-making" written on it

Proper and informed decision-making is a crucial part of the success of any business. When making decisions, you need to study the results of the existing operations structure and improve on them. Data-driven decisions are always better than spontaneous ones.

One factor you need to consider before making decisions about future products is customer feedback. And customers like being asked for feedback. To them, it indicates that you are ready to listen to them and solve their problems. A recent Microsoft report states that 89% of customers want companies to ask them for feedback.

However, data-driven decision-making involves collecting and storing vast amounts of data. It includes metrics on user activity, customer responses to promotional messages and customer feedback.

Keeping track of all of this efficiently is possible only with marketing automation. It is no surprise that this trend is expected to accelerate substantially in 2023, with even small businesses hopping on the bandwagon.

5. Social Media Marketing

A blue background with a globe surrounded by social media marketing icons

Businesses have started using the unparalleled reach social media offers to promote their products and services. Automating this process is expected to be one of the biggest trends in the future.

The number of people using social media grows every year. As a result, you can use these platforms to engage a broad audience and create an identity for your brand.

Posting consistently allows you to stay on top of your game. With automated social media marketing, you can post previously created content on schedule. Moreover, hashtags and keywords mean that you can track mentions of your brand across platforms.

In short, automated social media marketing saves time and allows you to keep up with the performance of your products and the popularity of your brand.

Wrapping Up

The future of work automation is replete with opportunities in almost all occupations. When executed correctly, marketing can take your business to a new level.

The predictions of marketing automation indicate that more and more businesses are using it for various functions. It’s time to adopt these strategies if you want to stay ahead of this wave.

Two critical aspects of the future of marketing automation are machine learning and artificial intelligence. The ground-breaking advancements happening in these areas continue to reflect on marketing. Especially in 2023, you need to incorporate these tactics for effective campaigns.

If you feel overwhelmed by these trends, we at GrowthJockey, are here to help you out. We recognise the importance of technology in today’s businesses and ensure that you don’t miss out on any of these trends.

Furthermore, we identify your requirements and provide target solutions and an appropriate framework for execution. With us, you can convert your vision into reality.

At GrowthJockey, we are committed to delivering tailored marketing automation solutions that effectively address the critical challenges faced by our clients across various industries. Regardless of the scale of your business, whether you're a small-scale enterprise or a large corporation, you can now harness the benefits of advanced automation technology.

Take a proactive approach to unlock the next level of growth for your brand by reaching out to us today!

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3rd Floor, GJPL, Time Square Building, Sushant Lok, Gurugram, 120009
Ward No. 06, Prevejabad, Sonpur Nitar Chand Wari, Sonpur, Saran, Bihar, 841101
Shreeji Tower, 3rd Floor, Guwahati, Assam, 781005
25/23, Karpaga Vinayagar Kovil St, Kandhanchanvadi Perungudi, Kancheepuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600096
19 Graham Street, Irvine, CA - 92617, US